January 25: The Janesville-Beloit Kennel Club held two Rally trials at the local fairgrounds here in town. Thor was entered in both and boy was I nervous but we got through it. Thor did really well for such a shy dog and I am proud of what he accomplished. Scores 95 & 94 with a first and second place. One more leg in Novice A and he gets his title!!!!
January 20: Went to the club and did agility with all 3 dogs and then Renee helped me with Rally by putting out a course. We also trained a couple of nights with the Rally signs at the local kennel club.
January 14: Thor did well last night even though we didn't practice as much as we should have over the 4 weeks we were off. There were new dogs and people last night and he focused pretty much on me the times we were working. I am really proud of his accomplishments for one so young. A friend mentioned he was in his "teen age boy" period so he really is doing well if he focuses at all.
We will be taking a beginners Rally class in town so I can get better acquainted with the signs and we can practice before our trial at the end of the month. I am excited and nervous about it; not so much Thor messing up but me doing something really stupid.
January 13: Thor and I start intermediate obedience classes tonight. I also called the local kennel club to see if we can get in the Tuesday Rally class so I don't have to drive 45 minutes 3 nights a week for classes. If the weather is bad I will still (most times) be able to get to class. It will also be a new environment for Thor to socialize in and get used to different locations, dogs and people. I hope they have one starting soon.
Went to the club yesterday and did some agility with the dogs. Thor was all over the place, but finally settled down so we could do some sequencing of a few obstacles. He did have some issues on the teeter and popping out of the weaves. All in all after almost two months of no practicing he did pretty well. We also went on the other side to practice some obedience too.
Kiah and Keegs did well too. We didn't run the full course only small sequences, treated and had fun. I did work Keegs a bit more on weaves and teeters, he is having issues with those at trials. Kiah was great as usual but popped out of the last weave when I moved away too soon. I don't have to be close just moving in the same direction as the weaves. Something for us to work on so she knows to finish even if I am moving to the next obstacle.
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