Sunday, June 18, 2017

Missing my Keegs!

Sadly I lost Keegan in August of 2016 to a tumor on his heart, he was just a little over 10 years old.  Keegs was the kindest, most gentle loving boy, I was so lucky to have him in my life  He loved people, dogs and he loved to bark at anything that moved outside his window.  I miss him greatly and so do Kiah and Thor.  Thankfully Kiah and Thor bonded after he left us but it took a while.  Keegs and Thor were best buddies but so were Keegs and Kiah.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Living the good life

Both Kiah and Keegs are now officially retired from agility.  They still get to go to the club to train but at a lower jump height then they trial at.  Since they were both in preferred I can't trial them at 16", if I could they could have a year or more of competing left.

Kiah may still do some obedience and rally, she has her BN and RA titles so far and I would at least like for her to get her CD and RE titles.  I have to practice the RE stations before I would even attempt to have her attempt them.  Keegs says he hates obedience so he will pass on participating :-).  I keep saying we should try Rally but he is not enthusiastic about doing it all when we do some practice.

I really don't think they miss agility at all, they may miss going with us but not sure they will as they just chill on the bed when we are gone. The neighbor who they love comes to let them out to potty several times a day too so they get to visit.  

Monday, November 23, 2015

Keegs is trialing in November and December 2015

Then he will retire.  Took him to training class and he had a blast, the old boy still has it. Kiah had some issues in class and finds that 16" jumps are much more fun.  She is still awesomely fast but her old bones just aren't what they used to be.

Keegs celebrated his 9th Birthday in May and Kiah's 9th was the middle of August.  Keegs still can keep up with the youngster plus keep him in his place.  He lets him know who is boss but we all know deep down it is really Kiah who is boss. Just love these two gray faces.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September, 2015

Wow, can't believe the summer has gone by so fast and it is almost fall.

Kiah is doing wonderfully, I believe she has lost almost all the weight she gained before her thyroid surgery. She is retired now from agility, the trial at the end of June confirmed it, she just does not want to be at trials.  She still loves training so I will continue to take her when I can go to the club to train but at lower heights, she is getting arthritis in her ankles.

Keegs looks so old but he plays with Thor like a 2-year old just for shorter periods of time.  The fatty tumor on his side is still pretty much the same size so that is wonderful.  He had a blast running at the trial in June so I plan to run him again in November for 1 day and then again at the end of December for 1 at that trial.  He will retire after that and live the life of luxury.  I will train with him too but just at lower heights also, don't want to put too much stress on his body.

I am so blessed to have these two in my life and I hope they will be around for a long time.

Thursday, June 04, 2015

June 2015

Kiah is doing so well after her surgery, acting like herself again bringing me toys to throw, initiating play with Thor and has lost some weight.  She actually looks better than what she weighs, last time I checked she had only lost 2lbs.  She had gained close to 12 lbs so I would like to get at least 8 more lbs off of her.

Keegs is still his goofy, loveable self and pretty healthy for a nine year old.  I did find a tumor on his side, felt as though it was a fatty tumor and the vet confirmed it.  We do have to watch it to make sure it doesn't grow or become malignant.

They both will do some agility at the club's trial at the end of the month so we have been doing some conditioning to get them in shape.  I plan to train with them almost every weekend this month to get them ready for the trial.  No pressure on them just want to have some fun with them doing agility.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April - May

April 30, 2015:
First training with Kiah and Keegs in a long time last Sunday, they both did so well after being off so long. Kept the jumps a bit lower until they can get back into into it again without knocking bars.  Both were so excited to be doing agility and loved special treats they get.

Also took them to class last night and had a great time.  I jumped them at 16" just to get them back in shape to trial at the end of June.  I plan to take them next Sunday too! It is so much fun to be running them again and they will trial at the club the end of June for one day.

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Thor's own blog

I may have to add a blog to my client's website, they are thinking a WordPress blog.  I decided to test it so I created a blog and decided to keep it for Thor.  Since Kiah and Keegs are semi-retired in agility I plan to keep this one up for them with tracking and obedience.  Here is the link to Thor's blog.

Stop by and let me know what you think of the new blog for Thor.