Wednesday June 20: Thor did really well in class last night, especially with the private lesson. He picks things up very quickly and wants to please. Started him on holding a dumbbell in his mouth to get the feel of it. Next thing we will purchase; now know the meaning of puppy poor! Also started him on weaves without the distraction of the other puppies just to give him an idea and understanding of the bars.
He again had a blast during the agility session with the tunnel and all the other equipment. He did fall off the dog walk (only about a foot off the ground) since he was watching the other puppies and then was a bit nervous getting back on. Once he realized he needed to keep focus he did well. We have a lot to practice
Weekend of June 15-16: Thor was 5 months old on Sunday; growing up way too fast. He is just the best puppy. Went to a trial in Iowa and stayed at a hotel; he was sooo good but didn't want to be in a crate by himself when I went to dinner with friends. Put Thor in the big soft crate with Keegan and left Kiah on the bed. Expected to see all dogs loose when I got back but found no damage on the crate and the two sleeping peacefully.
Week 3: Really disappointed but we weren't able to make it to the puppy class due to really bad weather in that area. Kiah and Keegs class was also cancelled due to the extreme thunderstorms and tornado warnings. It is about 45 minutes away from where I live and we only had tornado watches and a little thunder and lightning so we were very lucky.
Week 2: Went to our second class, he is now more comfortable and beginning to be a bit more independent so not quite as attentive as he was in his first class. He really wanted to play with the other puppies but would come around to working on the obstacles. You should have seen him in the tunnel; he was having such a blast running back and forth through the curved tunnel. Even though it was moving around, it didn't bother him one bit. I will have to take videos of him in our next class. He is such a loveable goof, now we are tugging on the leash. Need to get him a nice leash to tug on, I am afraid this leash will cut his mouth.
Oh yes, he is teething and has lost a bunch of teeth, found one on the carpet the other day and another in the washing machine.
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