Monday, May 20, 2013

May Trials

After we got back from Boxer Nationals we did a trial at Villa Park (Lyons Township) neither got any Q's but some interesting courses. As I mentioned earlier Keegan got his second leg in Open JWW at Nationals and last weekend (May 18 & 19) we did K-9 Obedience Club's trial he got his last leg and his title.

I am continually learning more each time I run him, if I don't keep ahead of him he often will lose his focus on me.  That is when he prances around to see what is going on around him, silly boy.  Our first run in Excellent P JWW was awesome and I have no doubt he would have Q'd if I hadn't gotten lost and took him over a wrong jump.  Ended up with 2 wrong jumps to get back on the course and he finished in style.  Hit his weaves perfectly and even did them a bit faster than he normally does (one of the things we really need to work on).  We finished a few seconds over with two faults (my bad).  He is so much fun to run and done so well in such a short amount of time.

Kiah is still stressing, I believe now it is just habit with her.  She knows if she doesn't do anything she gets to leave the course.  Renee is going to run her at the next trial, maybe we can get her out of this funk at trials.  It just kills me because we have so much fun in class and she is just awesome.  She has so much potential and I want her to enjoy the trial atmosphere and not dread it.  I would hate to leave her out but if this continues and she is so miserable then I don't want to force her into doing trials anymore.  We will see how this year goes and if it continues then she will be retired next year.  I will continue classes with her and maybe the club trials since she is comfortable there.

Thursday, May 09, 2013


Thor, my new puppy.  He will be doing Obedience, Agility and Tracking when he is older.

Friday, May 03, 2013

American Boxer Club Nationals - May 3 - May 10, 2013 Indianapolis, IN

Nationals are so much fun; meeting new people, putting faces to facebook friends, talking about Boxers and hearing stories about them plus seeing the Boxers in Agility, Obedience and Confirmation is just the best time.  I hope to be able to make it next year too.

Keegs got his second leg in Open P JWW with a first place even with one refusal and a couple of seconds overtime.  Not only did he get a ribbon he got a medal too.  It is awesome!!!!

Kiah and I are still having issues with her getting stressed but we have been ending the run with a party to which she is responding.  I know we can work through this I just have to get it together with her so I don't stress her out.

I did find my puppy, wasn't planning on getting a puppy so soon but he was too awesome to pass up.  Please go to the "Introducing..." page to meet Thor.  I can't pick him up until the 25th but believe me the wait will be worth it; he is such a special boy.

May 3: Kiah and Keegan will only be doing Agility this year, hope next year we can do some Obedience too.  I am going tomorrow, May 4 and will leave on May 8 so won't be able to see a lot of Confirmation but hopefully I will see a bit on Sunday.  Monday and Tuesday will be agility; Monday is all breed and Tuesday is Boxers only.  Going to be so much fun!  I should be able to post results from there and should have videos that I will post when I get back.  More later.......