Janurary 20, 2013
Went to a drop in class for excellent dogs so Kiah got to run. Learned a lot and we have a lot of home work. I plan to go the the club tomorrow am to practice sending Kiah out to jumps, practice my handling so I can communicate the correct moves to both Kiah and Keegan and practice box patterns.
Janurary 19, 2013
Went to a drop in class for excellent dogs so Kiah got to run. Learned a lot and we have a lot of home work. I plan to go the the club tomorrow am to practice sending Kiah out to jumps, practice my handling so I can communicate the correct moves to both Kiah and Keegan and practice box patterns.
Janurary 19, 2013
Went to a CPE trial and had a great time. We didn't get to run until after 2:30 pm so it was a long day for Kiah and Keegs since we got there a little before 7 am. They both did well; Keegs got a 2nd in the first standard run and a 1st in his second standard run. Kiah got a 1st in her first standard run and an NQ in her second. Her first run was awesome and so fast so I am pleased with her; hopefully we will have more runs like that in the furture.
Happy New Years everyone!
The K's and I are ready to get back to training since we didn't do much over the holidays. I am hoping to do a couple of days at a CPE trial this month and next month, it will depend on the weather if we go or not. I don't care if it is cold just not snowing or freezing rain while driving to the trial. In March Kiah and I will be starting a class with new instructors (at least we are on a wait list) at the club. I have been told they will make me run with her which is what I need and why we are doing some CPE. The CPE courses are more wide open and I can do some practicing with Kiah and Keegan. The dogs have to be in excellent classes so Keegs won't be able to train with them yet. Hopefully he will be ready by summer.
My goals this year:
- Learn to run with Kiah and Keegan; trust them to know what they are doing.
- Kiah her Masters titles and some QQ's toward her PAX & PACH
- Keegs his Excellent titles and hopefully further than that.
- Go to Nationals in Indianapolis this year in May
- Maybe a puppy in 2013-14, I would really love to train a puppy before I get too old to run in agility.
Our club banquet is in a couple of days and really looking forward to seeing everyone and enjoying a wonderful meal.