Sunday, December 18, 2011

December Classes & Trials

We didn't do well at the club's trial in early December. Kiah went back to her old self, zooms and ignoring me but it was a really long day for her as I worked some of the morning classes.  She did surprise me though, the club had our trial at a facility that had volley ball going on and Kiah didn't try to go through the netting to get to the balls.  I was very proud of her for that.

I was a bit discouraged after the trials and missed a few of the last classes but they will start back up again in mid-January. Due to the weather in the mid-west we won't do any trials until the beginning of March.  I hate to lose the money if the weather is too bad to drive (I am a wimp!!!!).  We will consider doing a NADAC or a CPE since I can often do day of show entries in those venues. 

I will register Keegs in AKC in January, he is already registered in CPE.  Our club's next trial is early March so I might enter him in 1 class each day and he can keep Kiah company, maybe she won't be so depressed.

With the holidays it is very busy so I probably won't post again until January.

Happy Holidays to everyone from Kiah, Keegan and me.